ToolsEhitustööriistadGaraaziseadmedJootmine ja KeevitamineKere- ja värvitööriistadKliimatööriistadKulutarvikudMakita tarvikudPintslidPuhastustehnika ja -keemiaTööriidedBuckets and bathsCheck devicesDrills, bits and planishesDrive Torque WrenchElectrical ToolsExtension cordsHand toolsHose clamps, cable tiesLifting jacksMark and measuring toolsMonkey wrenchesOil and Grease toolsOther tools and repair appliancesPlastic weldingPneumatic tools and accessoriesPressesProtection gear and work clothesSanding and cutting goodsSocket goods (ratchet handles, extensions, T-sockettails, transitions)SocketsSpar plug wrenchesSpecial toolsThread tools (die cutters)Toolboxes, -bags, -belts and closetsToolsetsWheelsWinch, Hoists and hand chain ABTWork glovesWork lightsWork shoesWrenches (combinations, spanners, sockets, hexes, allens, tube and torxes)