Kindad5102050100250500<<12>>—VaikimisiOdavamad enneKallimad enneKoodi järgi A ... ZKoodi järgi Z ... ANime järgi A ... ZNime järgi Z ... AKategoorias tooteid 144Kindad Polednik Gelmax XXLAV0016985125,47 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 11-12 cm, must Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: fine elastic fast dryeing mesh, lycra, reflective printing, elastic mesh forway, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: synthetic leather, gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops, non slipping silicone printing Colour: black/grey Size: XXLKindad Polednik Soft Grip, SAV0016985619,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 7-8 cm, punane Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: red Size: SKindad Polednik Soft Grip, LAV0016985719,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 9-10 cm, punane Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: red Size: LKindad Polednik Soft Grip, SAV0016985819,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 7-8 cm, sinine Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: blue Size: SKindad Polednik Soft Grip, LAV0016985919,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 9-10 cm, sinine Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: blue Size: LKindad lapsed Polednik F3 new, 3AV0016986311,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 6-7 cm, roheline Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), silicone pull-out loops Colour: black/green Palm width: 6-7 cmKindad lapsed Polednik F3 new, 4AV0016986411,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 6.5-7.5 cm, roheline Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), silicone pull-out loops Colour: black/green Palm width: 6.5-7.5 cmKindad lapsed Polednik F3 new, 5AV0016986511,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 7-8 cm, roheline Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), silicone pull-out loops Colour: black/green Palm width: 7-8 cmKindad lapsed Polednik F3 new, 3AV0016986611,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 6-7 cm, sinine Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), silicone pull-out loops Colour: black/green Palm width: 6-7 cmKindad lapsed Polednik F3 new, 3AV0016986711,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 6-7 cm, hall Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), silicone pull-out loops Colour: black/grey Palm width: 6-7 cmKindad lapsed Polednik Jellies 3AV0016986813,79 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 6-7 cm, must Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra Palm: synthetic leather Colour: black Palm width: 6-7 cmGripGrab talvekindadAV0016988238,92 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfosobib ideaalselt Cyclo-krossi austajatele, valmistatud veekindlast, hingavast ja kergest materjalist, suurepärane valik niisketes ja tuulistes ilmastikutingimustes, pakkudes helkuritega maksimaalset liikumisvabadust ja suurepärast roolihaarduvustKindad naised Polednik Soft Grip, XXLAV0016989719,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 12-11 cm, punane Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: red/black Size: XXLKindad Polednik Soft Grip, XXLAV0016989819,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 11-12 cm, sinine Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: blue/black Size: XXLKindad naised Polednik Soft Grip, XLAV0016989919,15 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfopalmi laius 11-10 cm, punane Use: shortfinger summer cycling glove Backhand: lycra, towel sweat wiper on the thumb, side seam reinforcement (between thumb and index fingers) Palm: noban (little rubber non slipping dots), gel impact pads, silicone pull-out loops Colour: red Size: XLKindad Seven Polska Frozen 2AV0017210011,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfosinine, lastele, S suurusKindad Seven Polska Star Wars BB8AV001721017,47 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfosinakasvalge, lastele, S suurusKindad Seven Polska Star Wars StormtrooperAV0017308011,86 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfotumesinine, lastele, S-suurus Rattakindad on valmistatud vastupidavast ja värvika trükiga materjalist, mis on kaunistatud Tähesõdade tegelastega. Kindadel on takjakinnitusega rihmad, mis sobivad imiku käele. Kinda põhja kaunistab spetsiaalne materjal, mis tagab hea pehmenduse ja võimaldab lapsel ohutult rooli hoidaLühikesed kindad Fuji S mustAV0017315522,30 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoLühikesed kindad Fuji S mustKindad Bianchi RC Winter 2XLAV0017357655,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Bianchi RC Winter 2XLKindad Oxford Bright Gloves 2.0 SAV0017456620,70 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Oxford Bright Gloves 2.0 SGripGrab pikad kindadAV0020739360,27 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoThe GripGrab Aerolite Long Finger Gloves are made with one goal in mind: To create the perfect mountain bike gloves for high-intensity racing and hot conditions. The lightweight, breathable, high-stretch materials get as close as possible to delivering a gloveless sensation. What’s more, these gloves use no padding, keeping the weight down and creating a direct connection between you and your bike...GripGrab pikad kindadAV0020739760,27 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoThe GripGrab Aerolite Long Finger Gloves are made with one goal in mind: To create the perfect mountain bike gloves for high-intensity racing and hot conditions. The lightweight, breathable, high-stretch materials get as close as possible to delivering a gloveless sensation. What’s more, these gloves use no padding, keeping the weight down and creating a direct connection between you and your bike...GripGrab pikad kindadAV0020739846,99 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoThe GripGrab Aerolite Long Finger Gloves are made with one goal in mind: To create the perfect mountain bike gloves for high-intensity racing and hot conditions. The lightweight, breathable, high-stretch materials get as close as possible to delivering a gloveless sensation. What’s more, these gloves use no padding, keeping the weight down and creating a direct connection between you and your bike...GripGrab talvekindadAV00207428110,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoVeekindlad talvekindad GripGrab Optimus on valmistatud jalgrattasõiduks kõige külmematel talvepäevadel. HDry® tehnoloogia tagab suurepärase veekindla tõkke vihma, tuule ja lume eest, samas kui sügav talvine õõneskiust konstruktsioon isoleerib sõrmed miinuskraadi eest.GripGrab lühikesed kindadAV0020743328,62 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfovalmistatud kergest, elastsest materjalist, mis tagab maksimaalse liikumisvabaduse ja hea haarduvuseKindad DotOut Thermal LAV0021645055,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoTotal protection from the cold with Thermal Glove cycling gloves. Designed to pedal when the cold is intense and temperatures drop close to zero.Made on the outside with a water repellent and windproof technical fabric, in the inner part in contact with the hand in thermal fleece.The innovative Dot Sandwich construction with coupled but unrelated fabrics, with the Dot Air & Water Block membrane on...Kindad DotOut Thermal SAV0021645255,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoTotal protection from the cold with Thermal Glove cycling gloves. Designed to pedal when the cold is intense and temperatures drop close to zero.Made on the outside with a water repellent and windproof technical fabric, in the inner part in contact with the hand in thermal fleece.The innovative Dot Sandwich construction with coupled but unrelated fabrics, with the Dot Air & Water Block membrane on...Kindad Drag Road Polygone LAV0022620715,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoDrag Road Polygone lühikesed kindad Suurus: L Värv: HallidKindad Drag Spot-KidFit SAV0022625610,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Spot-K lühikesed kindad 6-10a. lastele Suurus: S Värv: Punane - Valge - MustKindad Drag Tech FF LAV0024570225,40 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoHall-punaneKindad Oxford Bright Gloves 3.0 LAV0025371425,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoBright Gloves 3.0 are the option for when the cold & rain comes. Using a Hipora® waterproof membrane and additional insulate to keep you warm and dry in the colder winter climate. A reflective print on the upper and fluo detailing around the fingers aids visibility towards other roads users both day and night. For additional comfort a full-length thumb sweat-wipe and padded Amara palm are used in ...Kindad Oxford Bright Gloves 3.0 MAV0025371525,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoBright Gloves 3.0 are the option for when the cold & rain comes. Using a Hipora® waterproof membrane and additional insulate to keep you warm and dry in the colder winter climate. A reflective print on the upper and fluo detailing around the fingers aids visibility towards other roads users both day and night. For additional comfort a full-length thumb sweat-wipe and padded Amara palm are used in ...Kindad Oxford Bright Gloves 3.0 SAV0025371625,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoBright Gloves 3.0 are the option for when the cold & rain comes. Using a Hipora® waterproof membrane and additional insulate to keep you warm and dry in the colder winter climate. A reflective print on the upper and fluo detailing around the fingers aids visibility towards other roads users both day and night. For additional comfort a full-length thumb sweat-wipe and padded Amara palm are used in ...Kindad Oxford Bright Gloves 3.0 XLAV0025371725,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoBright Gloves 3.0 are the option for when the cold & rain comes. Using a Hipora® waterproof membrane and additional insulate to keep you warm and dry in the colder winter climate. A reflective print on the upper and fluo detailing around the fingers aids visibility towards other roads users both day and night. For additional comfort a full-length thumb sweat-wipe and padded Amara palm are used in ...Kindad Prologo ENERGRIP MAV0025454379,00 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoDescription The revolution in the world of cycling. A natural extension of the hand that enhances grip and absorbs ground vibrations. A new synergy between man and product. The new Energrip, with Prologo's patented CPC (Connect - Power - Control) cycling technology and its design, the result of research with partners and professionals of excellence, represents the ultimate in gloves, offering thre...Kindad Prologo ENERGRIP XLAV0025454479,00 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoDescription The revolution in the world of cycling. A natural extension of the hand that enhances grip and absorbs ground vibrations. A new synergy between man and product. The new Energrip, with Prologo's patented CPC (Connect - Power - Control) cycling technology and its design, the result of research with partners and professionals of excellence, represents the ultimate in gloves, offering thre...Kindad Prologo MIG Aero XLAV0025454734,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoMIG is Prologo's chrono glove, designed with the Bahrain Victorious and Intermarché-Circus-Wanty teams with one specific goal in mind: to ensure maximum aerodynamics and breathability. Made from a special lightweight and breathable fabric, the glove fits the cyclist's hand perfectly. The long cuff wraps entirely around the wrist to further increase aerodynamics. The perforated palm increases airfl...Kindad Drag Star KidFit SAV0025609910,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Star KidFit SKindad Drag Star KidFit SAV0025610010,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Star KidFit SKindad Drag Star KidFit SAV0025610110,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Star KidFit SKindad Drag Star KidFit XSAV0025610210,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Star KidFit XSKindad Drag Star KidFit XSAV0025610310,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Star KidFit XSKindad Drag Spot KidFit MAV0025610410,90 €- +Lisa korviTäisinfoKindad Drag Spot KidFit M5102050100250500<<12>>—VaikimisiOdavamad enneKallimad enneKoodi järgi A ... ZKoodi järgi Z ... ANime järgi A ... ZNime järgi Z ... A